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Starting in February 2024, you'll have a new interface uniting PrinterLogic SaaS and Vasion Automate. Don't worry! Everything with PrinterLogic will stay the same, and nothing changes for your end users. But you'll see new capabilities to make your life easier.

Your Access Is Getting an Upgrade

The print admin console is now a simple click away: log in, navigate to the side panel, and click “Print” to manage your environment. This minimal change to your interface will give you access to another level of features.

Get to Know Vasion Automate

In addition to robust print management features, we’re equipping you with more capabilities to drive change in a rapidly digitizing world. Vasion Automate includes:  

Access all your favorite PrinterLogic features in Vasion Print, now including Simplified Scanning.

Upload or capture data with forms to launch business workflows.

Incorporate signatures into your forms to sign invoices, offer letters, or waivers.

Utilize the no-code workflow designer to streamline tasks, boost collaboration, and remove unnecessary delays.

Vasion Automate FAQ

Do I need to do anything to see these changes?

No! Your new interface will be launching automatically in early February. All you’ll need to do is log in to check it out.

Is this going to cost me more?

No! All the new features available in February are included in your current PrinterLogic license. To learn more about additional bundles to enhance your experience further, contact your Customer Success Manager.

What if I have additional questions right now?

We’ll have answers at our upcoming webinars to all of your questions, but in the meantime, reach out to your Customer Success Manager with any queries about upcoming changes.

Launching in early February.